Discover All The Keys To Patents With Patent Company In India


The patent company in India plays an important in the process of the patent registration process. Learning how to file and get a patent is part of the learning process in the most innovative entrepreneurship. When working with innovative projects, it is normal that at some point doubts arise about how patents work.

Patent company in India - How do patents work?

A patent is a mechanism for the protection of inventive activity that offers its owner the possibility of exclusively managing its exploitation for a period of time, which is currently estimated in India at 20 years. In return, you will have to register a clear and complete description of the invention in the patent offices of the countries in which we intend to have that protection, allowing it to be carried out by an expert in the field.

Patentability - For an invention to be patentable, three requirements must be met. If you don’t know about it then you can hire the services offered by the patent companies to know about it in detail.

1. Novelty - We cannot patent what is already accessible to the public, what was already known. Hence you have to make sure that your invention is unique.

2. Inventive activity – A feature of creation also involves a technical development as compared to the existing knowledge or having economic significance or both which makes the invention not obvious to the person skilled in the art.

3. Industrial application - What you patent with patent offices must be able to be used in any kind of industry, including agriculture.

Nevertheless not every invention that meets these conditions is patentable. There are exceptions, among which are:

1. Discoveries

2. Scientific theories

3. Mathematical models

4. Literary artistic and scientific works

5. Plans, rules, and methods for the exercise of intellectual activities, games, or economic-commercial activities

6. Computer programs

7. Ways of presenting the information

8. Animal breeds and plant varieties, as well as crossing or selection procedures

9. Surgical, therapeutic, and diagnostic procedures

10. Certain procedures and discoveries related to genetics

The benefits of patenting an invention:

Basically, there are three - During the duration of the patent, you will have enjoyed exclusive rights. You will have been able to establish monopoly prices without fear of competition. You can sell the patent, contribute it to a company, grant licenses, etc.

After the duration of the patent, you will enjoy a certain advantage. On the one hand, you will have accumulated know-how that will make your costs lower than that of a potential competitor. On the other, you will be able to consolidate a brand image.

Since the patent registration process is the most complex one you can get help from professionals at the patent companies who will help you with this process. They will assist you in the whole process and make sure that the patent registration process is complete without any risks and challenges.


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